The basic acupuncture course has been one of the most important tasks of the QiAcademy from the very beginning. In 6 modules and one advanced module, you will be taught essential foundations of Chinese acupuncture. All modules consist of attendance, online lessons and many practical exercises.
This course offers you practical exercises on horses and dogs from the first module on. You will do acupuncture on real patients from the beginning. By limiting the number of participants to 16, we guarantee an optimal instructor/participant ratio in all teaching units.
After successful participation you are Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (CVA) of the QiAcademy and the World Association of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine WATCVM.
Essential basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine are taught in a lively and practical way with many exercises on dogs and horses. A special highlight are the two practical seminars.
For detailed information please see our flyer. (pdf-Download)
For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Starting in 2016 we will offer our graduates an advanced course.